Monday, June 30, 2014

Reputation Maxx Outlines the Threat of Brand Jacking

Among the many threats associated with an online presence, Scottsdale Reputation Management Firm Reputation Maxx recognizes brand jacking to be one of the most serious and difficult problems to fix when it has already happened. Brand jacking involves an outside source obtaining domain names associated with other groups or individuals and from there, having the capability of causing damage through misleading and inaccurate information designed to hurt somebody or something else.

Obviously, this has the potential to be a serious issue if left unchecked. An effective way to counter this problem is to be proactive. Businesses and individuals should secure domain names and websites that can reflect positively to their names instead of somebody else coming in and engaging in brand jacking. Everybody deserves a chance to defend their reputations online.  

Reputation Maxx emphasizes that clients and the public as a whole must have the freedom to be in control of their names online. For those who rely on a reputation management company, it is important to steer clear from those who own the domain names of clients and will not hand them over even after ending service. Clients must be fully aware of the terms and conditions before committing to a reputation management firm. Those who do engage in brand jacking should be completely avoided. It can ultimate cause more damage than good for clients.